Most CrossFit shoes are made with high-impact training in mind, however, there are several brands that have a ‘zero-drop’ heel to provide greater stability when weight lifting. If you’re used to wearing traditional road-running shoes, you might find the lack of cushioning difficult and uncomfortable. As such, you may need a transition period before training in them.

With all the stress you’re going to put these crossfit shoes through, you need something with tank-like durability. Pick a well-made shoe from a reputable brand that ‘gets’ CrossFit, like Reebok and Nike Metcon 8. With so many choices of CrossFit shoes available, it can be difficult to know which to choose. But, how often should you buy new crossfit shoes? Read Here: Best Running Shoes for Treadmill – Men and Women Buying Guide

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Why Do You Need to Buy Shoes Specifically for CrossFit?

how often should you buy new crossfit shoes

Buying the correct shoes for any workout is crucial. It’s pretty shocking how much the correct pair of shoes can improve your performance. The right shoes will allow you to work out for longer and give you a better posture and more accurate balance. Read Here: Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet: Top 5 Editors Picks

There are usually 4 different types of CrossFit shoes recommended by gyms, so it can be a little confusing when you come to purchase the right ones.

  • Barefoot Shoes

Barefoot ‘shoes’ are essentially a thick rubber sock that molds perfectly to your foot. Your feet are perfectly designed to exercise without any shoes on, and some people find that they create a greater sense of balance without the weight of shoes on their feet.

However, if you’re choosing to do CrossFit in your gym, you do want some protection for your feet if other people have been walking on the floor. These barefoot options are a great choice if you want the ‘au naturelle’ feel.  

  • Weightlifting Shoes

If your CrossFit workout involves heavier weights (most likely if you’re a seasoned CrossFitter), weightlifting shoes might be the best choice. They provide a lot of cushioning underfoot and allow for a better center of balance to push up from your feet.

These shoes are best if your CrossFit workout involves fast lifts, curls, or any other combination of exercises that work out the upper body and arms. Read Here: Top 10 Best Deadlift Shoes

  • Minimalist Shoes

Minimalist shoes are one step up from barefoot. They serve to protect your feet a little more, especially if you’re working with weights, but they’re still flexible enough that you don’t feel weighed down.

They’re an excellent option for speed training as they allow for your natural running motion and flexibility. But if you’re running on a track, you might be better off finding a shoe with more cushioning.

  • Functional Training Shoes

These shoes are similar to standard running shoes. They generally give you a cushioned underside that allows for movement and flexibility and gives you a lift when running.

These shoes are best if your CrossFit workout involves a lot of jumping, jogging, or off-floor work, as they’ll give you a little extra boost if you need it.

Which to Choose?

Once you’ve discovered what kind of workout you’ll do, it might naturally point to a specific pair of shoes that work best for you. This is normally dependant on which muscles you want to focus on or whether you’re just looking to lose weight or build your cardio. If you’re looking for a good, all-around shoe until you decide on your routine, a functional training shoe will suit you best. Read Here: Best Shoes for Jumping Rope For Men & Women: Our 6 Top Picks

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How Often Should You Buy New CrossFit Shoes?

how often should you buy new crossfit shoes

Whichever shoe you decide is best for your CrossFit training, make sure you replace them every 6 months. This is based on a high-intensity workout of around 30 minutes per day. If your workout lasts for 60 minutes per day, you may need to think about replacing your CrossFit shoes after 3 months.

This is because they suffer wear and tear more quickly than your regular, everyday shoes. They go through running, which creates friction and shock waves which can deteriorate the rubber, and the cushioning on the inside can quickly wear away. Read Here: Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet: Top 5 Editors Picks

Why Should You Buy New CrossFit Shoes Every 6 Months?

Holding on to your trusty CrossFit shoes for too long may mean that they start to rub your feet, making it uncomfortable or even painful to work out. You’re more likely to take it steadily because you’re aware that high-intensity will hurt you, which will lead to plateauing of your fitness and weight level.

The cushioning will wear away gradually too, which means that you won’t have as much lift when it comes to jumping or jogging, so your workout will seem to be more difficult. This is one of the main reasons for demotivation after a CrossFit workout, as it will appear that you’re just not getting any fitter.

How Many Miles Can I Do Before I Have to Switch Out My CrossFit Shoes?

Like a vehicle, your shoes can only take so much wear and tear from the mileage you clock up. Using 6 months as a rule of thumb to switch up your CrossFit shoes is great, but only if you’re wearing them for 30 minutes per day.

If you choose to wear your CrossFit shoes for a longer workout (perhaps you’re in the gym as a trainer or coach), then you’re likely to be working out in them for much longer.

You might also choose to wear them out and about too if they look like an ordinary day shoe – because, let’s face it, they’re built for comfort, so why not take advantage of it?

Typically, 300-500 miles in your shoes is enough to finish them off. Any more and the soles will start to deteriorate, and your workout won’t be as effective.

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How Will This Affect My Work Out?

Replacing your shoes at the right time can:

  • Save you from a lot of pain if the shoes start rubbing.
  • Increase your CrossFit capabilities as you’re able to work out for longer.
  • Give you better rhythm between reps as the cushioning has more bounce for you to come back from.
  • Maintain your balance and create a better natural posture which is great for toning up.

How Can You Tell When You Need to Buy New CrossFit Shoes?

how often should you buy new crossfit shoes
  • Sole Deterioration

You might notice that on all your other pairs of shoes, your sole starts to wear away in the same place every time. This is because of your posture, and that’s where you put most of your weight while you’re walking.

For most people, this is on the outside of the shoe. Excessive wear of the soles will mean that your posture will be wrong when you’re working out, and it could cause injury, or at the very least, an ineffective workout.

  • Sweat

Everyone’s feet sweat, especially during a workout. The sweat will soak into the cushioning of your shoe and make the shoe heavier and cushioning more solid. This could affect your movement, especially if you incorporate jumping movements into your routine.

Plus, it doesn’t smell great either.

  • Cushioning

The cushioning on the inside of your CrossFit shoe is the most important thing about the shoe. It absorbs some of the shock when you’re running or jumping, keeping the muscles in your foot comfortable and safe from injury.

Because the cushioning must absorb so much of the shock when you’re running, it can get beaten down pretty fast. Once it’s completely flat and no longer springy, you know it’s time for a change.

  • Pain

If you’re in pain during a workout, that’s definitely not normal. You could risk pulling a muscle, meaning that you’d have to stop working out for a while, and that would affect your overall fitness.

If the bottom of your foot is in pain, or if your toes are rubbing against the shoe, it could be that either the shoe isn’t the correct size for you or that they’re too old and the inner material has worn away so much that the shoe is no longer fit for purpose.

  • Blisters

Blisters can hinder your workout. They’re usually not severe enough that you’ll stop working out. Most people will try to power through the pain if the shoes are rubbing.

However, the problem here is that, while you might think you’ve completed a successful work out as expected, despite the blisters, your body will have automatically tried to reduce the pain.

This means that you’ll hold back on specific exercises and not achieve your full potential, even if you don’t realize it.

  • Excessive Wearing in Required

A good pair of workout shoes should be immediately comfortable. They should never rub on the heels or toes and shouldn’t take much wearing in at all.

Cheaper CrossFit shoes may require a day’s wearing in, but no more than this. If you’re still struggling on day 3 or 4 with your shoes, then it’s probably time to spring for a different pair.

Buying cheap often means that the shoes won’t be as practical as they’re designed to fit everyone. A slightly more expensive pair may be worth the money as they’ll mold to your feet more efficiently and give you immediate comfort. They’ll also probably last a little longer.

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Can You Wear CrossFit Shoes Every Day?

Yes! In fact, it’s a great idea to wear your CrossFit shoes every day, or even buy a pair for day wear and a pair for the gym. Some CrossFit shoes look great and can pass for regular day shoes anyway.


  1. Wearing your CrossFit shoes while you’re just out and about can help your feet to get used to the feel of them. Your CrossFit workout will expand on the skills that you already have to work your muscles, so it makes sense that you wear your workout shoes when you’re doing those exercises outside the gym.
  2. Wearing your CrossFit shoes to wear them in a little will also get you to the high-intensity stage more quickly, as there’s no discomfort when it comes to the gym.
  3. Plus, you can use the CrossFit shoes to develop your posture and natural sense of balance while you’re out and about. The shoes are specifically designed to get your posture just right for your workout, so you should maintain that same posture in everyday life too. 

Are CrossFit Shoes Worth the Money?

other gym equipment.

Yes, buying the right pair of CrossFit shoes is definitely worth the money you pay. It’s best to work out what kind of routine you want to do first based on the muscle groups you want to develop. This will allow you to make the right choice when purchasing a pair of shoes.

It may be that you have a few different workouts in mind to achieve different things, so you may need to purchase a couple of different types of shoes to suit each activity.

Whatever your workout routine is, it’s worth putting your hand in your pocket to get the exact pair of shoes to boost your strength and stamina. This could be the difference between 10 reps and 15 reps, which will make all the difference when you’re building up and mean you achieve your goals much faster.

Are There Any Alternatives?

If you’re on a budget, doing CrossFit in running shoes will work just fine. They still give you that lift and will allow you to proper movement and balance.

Let’s face it, CrossFit is designed to hone the skills you already have, so you’ll do most of the movements while you’re out and about anyway. Read Here: Best Running Shoes for Treadmill – Men and Women Buying Guide

However, once you become a more experienced CrossFitter, you’ll want to develop your speed and endurance further, and having the wrong pair of shoes may start to hinder you.

Outgrowing your running shoes is a good thing, and once you notice that you’re beginning to hit a plateau fitness-wise, it might be time to reach for a new pair. 

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Who knew that a pair of shoes could be so important to your workout regime? They’re actually one of the most pivotal pieces of equipment that you own when it comes to improving your health, fitness, and endurance. If you’re on a budget, it’s always best to invest in a decent pair of CrossFit shoes, even if you can’t afford any other gym equipment.

Exercises can be done without all the expensive machinery to still achieve outstanding results, but they can’t be done with the wrong pair of footwear.