Are you have a hard time losing weight? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In the actual fact, there are lots of ways that you can do to lose weight such as:

  • Eat veggies, protein, and fat
  • Avoid fruit juices as well as other sugary beverages
  • Eat soluble fiber
  • Drink tea or coffee
  • Eat slowly
  • Have enough sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Choose foods that are weight-loss-friendly
  • Don’t eat too many carbohydrates

While the above-mentioned ways can help you shed some of your pounds, there is another way that you can do that will guarantee you a great result especially if you do it properly and seriously. Wondering what it is? Well, it is the CrossFit workout. Read Here: Top 5 Best CrossFit Shoes

CrossFit involves HIIT or high-intensity interval training. That being said, it will get your lunges sucking air, blood pumping, and muscles working. In addition to that, this sport will involve changing functional movements constantly that will reflect the best features of gymnastics, rowing, weightlifting, and even running. Thus, it is not surprising doing CrossFit workouts will help you in losing weight. Read Here: 5 Best Home Gyms of 2020

Are you wondering what are the best CrossFit workouts for weight loss? If yes, then keep on reading.

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The 15 CrossFit Workouts for Weight Loss

Kelly Workout

This CrossFit workout comes from the 4th fittest man on earth, Pat Vellner in 2017. It will involve a little running compared to average lifters are used to. However, getting up the heart rate is one good way to burn body fat. According to Vellner, you need to move fast, but make sure to recover the run then attempt to attack the other movements.

For this CrossFit workout you will need to the do following five times and as fast as you can.

For Men:

  • Run 400 meters
  • 30 box jumps – 24 inches
  • 30 wall balls that have a 20-pound medicine ball shot at a ten-foot-high target

For Women

  • Run 400 meters
  • 30 box jumps – 20 inches
  • 30 wall balls that have a 16-pound medicine ball shot at a nine-foot-high target

Murph Workout

This workout will require you to do a lot of running as well as reps. But this will guarantee you great results since you will be able to burn more calories. According to Lieutenant Michael Murphy the founder of this workout, it is one of the longest CrossFit workouts.

For murphy workout, you will need to do:

  • One-mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 300 air squats
  • 200 push-ups
  • One-mile run

The good thing about this workout is that you can break the sets. For instance, if you’re done with the one-mile run you can take a rest and proceed with the other activity. However, make sure to add the time you rest to your overall time.

CF Open 16.2

This best CrossFit workout is not a joke. As a matter of fact, it was designed for the 2016 CrossFit Open Competition. For this workout, you need to complete the round in 4 minutes to earn enough time to continue to the next. If you are planning to do the CF Open 16.2 you need to do the following within four minutes:

  • Twenty-five toes-to-bars
  • Fifty double-under and
  • Fifteen squat cleans at 135-pound

If you to the above-mentioned successfully, complete the following but don’t forget to add four minutes.

  • Twenty-five toes-to-bars
  • Fifty double-under and
  • Thirteen squat cleans at 185-pound

If you successfully do it before eight minutes, add another four minutes and complete the following:

  • Twenty-five toes-to-bars
  • Fifty double-under and
  • Eleven squat cleans at 225-pound

If you successfully do it before twelve minutes, add another four minutes and complete the following:

  • Twenty-five toes-to-bars
  • Fifty double-under and
  • Nine squat cleans at 275-pound

If you successfully do it before sixteen minutes, add another four minutes and complete the following:

  • Twenty-five toes-to-bars
  • Fifty double-under and
  • Seven squat cleans at 315-pound

This CrossFit workout for weight loss combines squat cleans (heavyweight) and double unders (cardio). Thus, it will lead to more calories to burn and work several metabolic systems. Keep in mind that this exercise is a sprint, meaning, whether you are an elite or a beginner athlete you can try CF Open 16.2. But make sure to stop at 20 minutes.

Seven-Minute Burpees

It is one of the easiest CrossFit workouts for weight loss that you can do. All you need to do is perform as many burpees as you can in seven minutes. According to experts, there is no move that will tax your body like burpees. Usually, elite athletes may get 100 reps while beginners may get 25 reps in seven minutes. But nevertheless, both types of athletes would either crawl or walk away from this workout with a stringent metabolic boost.

Fight Gone Bad

For Fight Gone Bad you will need to the following exercise:

  • Wall balls at 20lbs with 10-foot target
  • Sumo deadlift high-pull at 75-lbs
  • 20 inches box jumps
  • Push press at 75lbs
  • Rowing machine

You need to do three rounds for this CrossFit workout and for every exercise you need to it in one minute. And in between rounds you are allowed to take a one-minute rest. For this workout, your main goal is to earn a high score by keeping track of overall reps of 5 exercises performed as hard as possible for every minute.

Without a doubt, this is a great workout for weight loss since the 1-minute maximum effort round will allow the person to work at its highest capability. Take note, for the first 4 exercises, you will need to count and then combine your reps. After that, add your calorie count on the rowing machine to the score.

Grace Workout

Are you looking for a simple and fast CrossFit workout that can help you in shedding some of your pounds? If yes, then Grace is perfect for you. For this, all you need to do is do 30 reps of the Clean & Jerk Olympic lift as fast as you can. What’s more, it does not require a lot of equipment. As a matter of fact, what is needed is a 95-pound barbell for women and a 135-pound of a barbell for men.

Annie Workout

This one of the best CrossFit workouts for weight loss was named after Annie Sakamoto, an original CrossFitter at the Greg Glassman’s gym found in Santa Cruz.

For this workout you will need to do the following exercises for time:

  • Fifty double-unders
  • Fifty sit-ups
  • Forty double-unders
  • Forty sit-ups
  • Thirty double-unders
  • Thirty sit-ups
  • Twenty double-unders
  • Twenty sit-ups
  • Ten double-unders
  • Ten sit-ups

Pretty easy, right?

Eva Workout

Another CrossFit Workout that you can try is Eva. For this, you will need to do 800-meter run, thirty kettlebell swings at 70lbs, and thirty pull-ups, if needed, you can use band support. For Eva, you will need to do a total of 5 rounds for time.

The best thing about it is that Eva will hit the strength system as well as cardio. As a matter of fact, the run is pure cardio, whereas the pull-ups and swings are cardio strength hybrid. This may lead to a huge calorie burn.

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Fran Workout

It is a rapid sprint workout that will allow you to burn fats for a couple of hours after working out. Fran, on the other hand, gets easier as you go since the rep count is being reduced. But you will be pretty blown out from the past rounds.

For this workout, you will need to 21, 15, and 9 reps for time doing thrusters at 95lbs as well as pull-ups.

Karen Workout

This list of best CrossFit workouts for weight loss will not be completed without mentioning Karen. It is a task that is based on the strength that will drive increase the heart rate due to the sheer volume of work. On the other hand, you will be able to get additional burns since your body will have a hard time adapting to new muscle development for two to three days post-WOD.

Karen will require you to do 150 walls for a time at 20lbs with a 10-foot target. Nevertheless, the following are the target times that you need to keep in mind.

  • Level 1 – 8:00 to 10:00
  • Level 2 – 5:00 to 8:00
  • Level 3 – 4:00 to 5:00
  • For elites – less than 4:00

Josie Workout

For this workout, you will need to combine running with squats, burpees, as well as power cleans. The Josie workout will help you in shedding more pounds. Wondering how to do this workout? Well, it is quite easy. Run one mile, then do 3 rounds of burpees, squats, and power cleans and you will need to run another mile again.

When it comes to the needed equipment, men can use a 155-pound barbell while women can use a 105-pound. A 20-pound weight vest is needed.

For the exact movements, here are the things that you need to know:

  • Using a weighted vest run a mile
  • Thirty burpees
  • Four power cleans
  • Six front squats
  • Using a weighted vest run a mile again

Chelsea Workout

Chelsea is a hardcore CrossFit workout that allows you to run through a set of exercises thirty times. For this, you will need a pull-up bar and perform five pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats.

Hero WOD Wade

It is another intense CrossFit workout that is named after Andrew Wade, a US Army who perished in Afghanistan. The metabolic effects of Hero WOD Wade will last a bit longer after you finish doing it. As a matter of fact, this makes one of the best CrossFit exercises for weight loss.

For this workout, you will need to prepare a pull-up bar and a weighted vest. Once you have all the needed equipment do the following movements:

  • Run for 1200-meter using a weighted vest
  • Twelve strict pull-ups
  • Nine strict dips
  • Six strict handstand push-ups          
  • Run another 1200-meter using a weighted vest

By the way, for the handstand push-ups, pull-ups, and dip, you will need to do four rounds.

Havana Workout

Havana is a simple CrossFit workout but it is physically demanding. As a matter of fact, it is a 25-minute workout that will leave you sweaty and tired. The instruction, on the other hand, is pretty easy. All you need to do is finish as many rounds as you can within 25 minutes. Here are the movements that you need to know if you want to give this work out a try:

  • 150 double unders
  • Fifty push-ups
  • Fifteen power cleans

As for the needed equipment, you will need to prepare a jump rope as well as a barbell (125-pounds for girls and 185 pounds for boys).

Filthy Fifty

Filthy Fifty is another long workout that will surely get your heart pumping. This workout is specially designed for building endurance. But it is great for weight loss as well.

For Filthy Fifty you will need to do perform one round of fifty each for the following exercises:

  • Box jumps
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Jumping pull-ups
  • Walking-lunge steps
  • Double unders
  • Knees to elbows
  • Push presses
  • Wall-ball shots
  • Back extensions
  • Burpees

To perform this workout, here are the pieces of equipment you will need:

For men:

  • GHD Machine
  • Wallball
  • Barbell
  • 16 kilograms kettlebell
  • 24 inches plyo box

For women:

  • GHD Machine
  • Wallball
  • Barbell
  • 12 kilograms kettlebell
  • 20 inches plyo box

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There you have it, the 15 best CrossFit workouts for weight loss. Feel like you have already tried all fad diets out there but you are still having a hard time shedding some of your pounds? If that’s the case, consider doing any of the above-mentioned workouts. We can assure you that you will expect great results.

However, keep in mind that you will not see any results overnight. You need to work really hard. Not only that, but you will also need to become dedicated and serious about what you are doing.

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