Of all the cardio workout machines gaining popularity today, the rowing machine sits at the top of the list. This low-to-the-ground equipment, also called an ergometer, sheds those calories whole engaging the core, arms, back, and legs. Read Here: Best Treadmill Machines For Walking

Not only that, working out on a rowing machine is much easier on the joints and knees than other machines, making it a low-impact solution for everyone, especially for arthritic people.

Thus, it is no surprise that this is stapled equipment in most gyms and should be a part of every workout routine. Whether you are a beginner or an avid rower, the question now is: How long should you row on the rowing machine? Read Here: Top 10 Best Treadmills Under $1000

The answer? It depends!

Everyone will be different since everyone has different objectives and goals as well as time frames to achieve such goals.

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Factors To Determine The Needed Amount Of Rowing Time

Here is a simplified guide in order to help you determine the time you should be rowing on a row machine.

Your Schedule

Although it is easy to say that you need to spend 60 – 90 minutes a day working out, people are always busy. So, it is always helpful to first determine how much time you can invest in working out every day.

If you have less than an hour every day, then you will need to remove other activities from your schedule including Netflix binging, Facebook, and more. Anything that does not involve your core goals for your job, health and family should be sacrificed.

Or you can try doing two things simultaneously. For instance, if you want to watch your favorite TV show, you can do so while rowing. There is always time for workouts. You only need to make it a priority.

So, once you figure out how much time you can give to exercise, add it to your daily schedule and make it a routine. Building a habit is the best way to ensure that you will reach your goals.

Determine Your Goals

Next, you need to determine your goals in order to determine your rowing time. Not having an objective or a goal before starting your workout is like walking around in circles. You need to have a particular goal and should follow the SMART goal guide. You can then use your goals in order to work backward into the time you should row in a rowing machine.

The Calories You Want Gone

If you have a particular amount of weight you wish to shed, then this can also help you in determining the time per day you can spend on rowing.

For instance:

A goal of losing 24 pounds in 2 months, means you need to lose 3 pounds a week.

Now, 1 pound is equal to 3,500 calories. So, to lose 2 pounds, you need to shed 10,500 calories weekly. Dividing the 10,500 calories by 7 days, you will need to shed 1,500 calories daily.

Your goal of losing 24 pounds in 2 months will require you to make a 1,500 calorie deficit every day.

Take note, however, that rowing is not the only way to obtain this 1,500. You can also cut down the calories by making some healthy eating choices.

Switching your breakfast of a bagel with yummy cream cheese and a cup of cappuccino into black coffee and banana can already remove over 300 calories. That’s just for breakfast.

Now, if you can cut 750 calories from eating healthy, then you can just row until you burn the other 750 calories. This may take anywhere from 45 minutes to 75 minutes depending on some factors such as weight, age, rowing intensity, and heart rate.

In addition, rowing can help boost your metabolism in order to burn more calories for the rest of the day. So you might only need to burn 500 calories from rowing and extra 250 from your increased metabolic rate. All in all, having a weight loss goal as a base can help you estimate how long you should be rowing every day.

Muscle Building

Another thing that can affect the time you need to row in a rowing machine is whether or not you want to build muscle.

First of all, rowing is more of a cardio exercise than a strength training workout. In order to gain muscle, you will have to supplement your rowing with weight training. If you want to build those lean muscles and become ripped or shredded, then rowing machines can help you.

The best way to obtain lean muscle is by performing HIIT workouts. Such workouts are intense and short, helping you to shock and break down muscle fibers in order to stimulate growth.

Some of the simplest HIIT rowing workouts are rowing real hard for 20 seconds then followed by 20 seconds of rest, repeating the cycle as many times as you can with a total workout time of fewer than 10 minutes. Now, after or before the HIIT rowing workout, you will have to supplement it with kettlebells, pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-up workouts.

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Any Cardio Benefits?

While some people are after the calorie-burning power of the rowing machine, some only want to reap the heart-pumping benefits.

Rowing can be used for anaerobic or aerobic exercises. Meaning you can receive every cardio benefit from rowing. This all depends on your workouts, goals and the time you spent rowing.

For Anaerobic Exercise

If you wish to increase your anaerobic conditioning, you’ll have to spend less time rowing. Your workouts will need to be higher in intensity but for only shorter amounts of time. An anaerobic workout can only last between 5 – 20 minutes.

For Aerobic Exercise

If you wish to develop your aerobic conditioning, then you will have to row for a bit longer. You can perform steady and consistent workouts between 45 and 90 minutes. This is because heart rate and intensity will be much lower, meaning you can last for longer. Regardless of what your goal is, you need to mix different workouts for effectiveness.

The Time Frame

Having various time frames for your objectives also has an impact on the amount of time you spend in rowing, particularly if you want to lose weight.

For the previous example, losing 24 pounds in 2 months, we gave you a rough estimation of rowing 45 minutes to 75 minutes per day.

But, if you expand your time frame, to 4 months, then you may only need to spend 20 – 30 minutes a day on the rowing machine. Or you can row for 40 – 60 minutes every other day.

What’s The Least Amount Of Time You Can Use The Rowing Machine?

How Long Should You Row On A Rowing Machine

Most busy people would ask this question. However, this kind of negative outlook and attitude is something you should do even before you start working out. You should not be looking for an easy way. Instead, you need to create a goal and figure out the amount of time and work you will need in order to achieve your goals.

Still, to answer the question, an individual can row for 15 – 20 minutes daily and still see results in a few weeks. A 15 – 20 minutes of daily rowing can help an individual lose at least 0.5 pounds every week, depending on their current state.

If you are out of shape, then you can easily and quickly see results from your daily rowing. Furthermore, a healthy diet before 20-minute rowing can provide you even amazing results.

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So, How Long Should You Row On A Rowing Machine?

Coming this far, you should have a better understanding of how long you need to row. In a nutshell, this all comes down to what your goals are and the time frame to complete them. Below is a breakdown of the amount of time a rowing machine is commonly used and the goals that you can achieve by doing so.

15-Minute Daily Rowing

Rowing for 15 minutes per day and a goal of losing weight, means that you will need to expect a longer time frame for your goals.

15-minute daily rowing can only burn 150 – 300 calories depending on your intensity level.

So, you can only lose 0.5 pounds a week without a strict diet. In order to lose 10 pounds, you will need to wait for 20 weeks.

However, rowing 15 minutes daily can also result in losing over 0.5 pounds per week since your metabolic rate will go up, allowing you to burn more calories burned overall.

Adding a healthy diet to your rowing weight loss goals, you can lose another 1 pound per week. In addition, intense rowing for 15 minutes can help improve your anaerobic conditioning, allowing you to build lean muscles.

30-Minute Daily Rowing

Now rowing for 30 minutes daily, you should lose at least 1 pound weekly. This is probably the healthiest way to lose weight and keeping the weight off.

You can easily lose over 1 pound a week if you row for 30 minutes daily. Not only that, but you can also improve both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, so you will see lean muscle development in your legs, core, chest, back, and arms.

90-Minute Daily Rowing

Now, rowing for an hour and a half every day is for serious rowers or people who are desperate to lose weight.

Rowing for at least 90 minutes can help shed more than 1,000 calories in a single session, which can result in shedding 2 pounds a week for rowing along.

It also gives your metabolism a huge kick, so you can even lose up to 3 – 4 pounds weekly depending on your current health and weight.

That and a healthy diet and you can result real quick. This workout period is also great for aerobic conditioning and for any long-distance training.

Proper Rowing Techniques

Now, all this estimation and counting are useless ad you certainly can get the benefits if you are not using the proper rowing techniques.

Here are some dos and don’ts when using the rowing machine.

Rowing Dos

  • Proper Form

With the proper and correct posture, you get to lessen the strain on the wrong parts which can result in soreness and boost beneficial results.

Do sit up straight and your back arching slightly. Bend forward with your hips and once the handle passes your knees, bend your legs.

Once you bend forward, you need to refrain from pulling back the handle with your back. Push with your legs against the pedal instead in order to avoid back strain.

For your arms, keep both elbows tucked at the sides, pulling until passing the torso and the rower handle is about an inch away from your ribs.

  • Leg Power

The machine will certainly work your arms, however, most of the power will come from your legs. Although the arms are working, the legs will be taking the most pushing and bending.

Be sure to use them to drive straight back and not upwards so you do not fall out of your seat.

  • Grip Properly

The way you hold onto the handle may affect the way how your arms move and work. Make sure to avoid an underhand grip and go with an overhand. The knuckles need to face forward with the thumb placed on the underside of the handle.

Rowing Don’ts

  • Starting With High Resistance

It is highly recommended that you start slow, particularly if it is your first time on a rowing machine. This should help you prevent pains and injuries.

Start at the lowest resistance and stay there until you have perfected your rowing motion and form. Then, feel free to increase the resistance.

  • Torso Pulling

Sit up straight, remember?

But not too straight, okay?

It is important that you keep your back at or past a 90-degree angle to prevent injuries and have an overall smooth motion. Pulling with your torso and bending too forward may feel more powerful, however, it puts you back in a bad position.

Forgetting To Breathe?

Rowing is a rhythmic and repetitive motion. Thus, you need to match your breathing. You will need to breathe in when recovering and breathe out when exerting power.

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